আজকের খবর ২০২৫

BOESL : চাকুরীর নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়া

The employer willing to use the services of BOESL for employment of Bangladeshi people may establish direct contact with BOESL or send a demand letter for workers to the nearest Bangladesh Mission. To take quick action on the demand letter, it is necessary to state the type of workers required, nature of work, number of workers, wages/salary, qualifications and experience and other terms and conditions of service and benefits the employer would like to offer. The employer may contact BOESL by Email/Fax/Courier.

Power of Attorney

In the event of stamping visa in Bangladesh for the selected workers, the employer should authorize BOESL to recruit workers and to apply for visa. This Power of Attorney must be attested by the Labour Attaché or any authorized officer of the Bangladesh mission in the host country. If a Recruiting Agent of a foreign country is willing to deal with BOESL for recruitment on behalf of any employer, he should forward his Registration Certificate to operate business in the country where the workers will be employed.

Visa Advice / N.O.C./Work permit

Documents granting permission of the competent authority for employment of Bangladeshi workers in that country i.e. Visa Advice / N.O.C. / Work Permit should be sent to BOESL.

Employment Contract Standard form of employment contract in English should be sent to BOESL in which the following conditions are to be clearly stated:

► Wages/Salary;

► Working hour;

► Overtime Allowance;

► Traveling Expenses;

► Medical Facilities;

Food and accommodation facilities: (Free food and accommodation are to be generally provided by the employer for unskilled and semi skilled workers. In the absence of such facility they should be provided with adequate food allowances/cooking facilities. Highly technical or professional personnel need not be provided with free accommodation and food, but in that case adequate allowances should be provided).

►Weekly holidays and annual holidays

► Other conditions shall be according to the Labour Laws of the host country and

►The employers shall enter into and agreement with the recruited workers.

Agency Agreement

The employer may enter into an Agency Agreement with BOESL. Agency agreement stated the responsibilities of the both parties and all terms & conditions to implement the migration process smoothly & legally.


Advertisement of Vacancies: On receipt of the authentic demand letter either through Bangladesh Missions abroad or directly from the employers, the BOESL collects CVs through any one or a combination of the following processes to line up the suitable candidates for consideration of the employer.

► Newspaper advertisement

► Advertisement through website.

► Advertisement on Notice Board

► Job Seeker from Data Bank of BOESL

► From Specialized Departments.

Receipt of CVs

Through wide circulation CVs thus received/collected are scrutinized by a committee of expert for shortlisting as per requirements of the employers, (if desired by the employers). The short listed CVs are sent to the employer (if desired) or will be kept in the office for interview and final selection by the employer’s Selection Team(s). BOESL prefers that selection of workers be made by the employers or by their authorized representatives directly.

Selection of Candidates

The employers or their representatives carry out interviews/trade tests and do the final selection of candidates for which BOESL provide necessary assistance and logistic support, like issuance of interview cards, arranging suitable place for interview/written test, and practical trade test, if necessary.

BOESL always prefers to select the workers by the employer or his representative directly BOESL may also select workers on behalf of the employers through its committee of experts, if so desired by the employer.

Medical Test

The finally selected candidates are sent for medical examination only to the appointed/authorised Medical Centers. Generally they are examined at the Medical centers enlisted by the Embassies of the employers’ countries.

BOESL : চাকুরীর নিয়োগ প্রক্রিয়া এবং সকল প্রকার ফরম: ডাউনলোড

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